Posts Tagged ‘Harry Potter’

Readability & The Man Booker Prize

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014

So the judges of the Man Booker prize 2014 have been announced, accompanied by a good old re-hash of the ‘readability’ argument unwittingly initiated by Dame Rimington in 2011. Is it ‘dumbing down’ to reward authors who write enjoyable books? Essentially, books are written to be read; just like any art form authors need to entertain and move their audience. But we already have a competition for the most readable books – bestseller lists. Let’s have a look what they show us. (more…) more»

This Week’s Reading, 5.8.12

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

What the world thought of Danny Boyle’s Olympic ceremony, Jack Kerouac’s sexy correspondence, and Brian Catling at The Royal Albert Hall. (more…) more»

J.K. Rowling’s New Book: Specifically for Adults

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

Recently it was announced that J.K. Rowling of Harry Potter fame would be releasing a new novel soon, not for the Young Adult crowd like her previous works, but for adults through her new publisher, Little, Brown and Company. At first glance this raises a whole host of questions for J.K. Rowling. Does she have to get an entirely new audience since her new endeavour will entail finding an entirely new demographic that is not within the tween arena of fiction? And can she make the switch from a young adult/fantasy style to a more sophisticated, commercial adult fiction style? The answer to both of these questions is an unequivocal, yes, with a caution at the end. (more…) more»