Posts Tagged ‘ws’

Undertaking Clarissa

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

In light of the current political situation, the dog and me want to give y’all a peek at a project under deconstruction: (more…) more»


Monday, December 12th, 2011

I often dream I am in jail. I can’t imagine why. Maybe if I did have enough imagination to imagine why, I wouldn’t dream about being in jail in the first place. But what I lack in imagination I always try to make up for in substance. (more…) more»

In Line?

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Nodding. Dozing. Syncope. It happens. Reclining in front of the TV. Seated on a long bus ride. Standing in line. Some of my best ideas occur in such moments of spontaneous blackout. Here, for example, is a winking-blinking parable from my unemployment compensation daze… (more…) more»

Critical Ass

Friday, November 11th, 2011

People ask me, “How do you write?” or “What do you write about?” or “What makes a good story?” or “When was the last time you masturbated before and/or after writing?” or similar literary-colonmoving queries. (more…) more»