On Getting None By Willie Smith
I wanna fuck a none,
wanna fuck a zero,
wanna eat summa that cipher pie.
I wanna get into the habit of nothing at all,
crawl down the neck of an empty,
set the clock back inside my daddy’s cock
to before he wet the face
of that bloody egg that became me and my arithmetic.
I wanna slip into the skirt of a holy ghost
and take a vacuum up the ass.
I wanna fuck a none,
wanna fuck a zero,
wanna eat summa that cipher pie.
There is no tighter than a none,
nothing more loose than a not,
and no taste fits every space like the tang of a zero tart.
There is no easy squeeze outta this hole,
except to drool wholeheartedly at the thought
of eating and fucking a none.
There is no way to lose your grip
on the sad, the sick and the ugly,
but to slip into the saddle of a none,
fuck the reins
and feel the nag run you through the screaming rain
to die in a spasm
on whatever washed-out crust
of a cipher remains.
There is no tighter
than a none, nothing more loose than a not
and no taste fits every space
like the tang of a zero tart,
I wanna fuck a none.
Willie Smith is the author of Nothing Doing, available now from Honest Publishing.
Tags: Nothing Doing, Willie Smith