This Week’s Reading, 06.05.12
This week: Ion Barladeanu, Rabelais’ cyclops, book carvings and more.
- Drawings from Rabelais’ Gargantua and Pantagruel. Bigger version here. [Thanks, DC].
- Collage artist Ion Barladeanu’s work goes on display in Prague until 26 May.
- Some pretty stupendous book carvings from Brian Dettmer.
- RIP, Adam Nathaniel Yauch and Edward C. Zacharewicz.
- Been a while since we linked a fellow publisher, so here’s Nightjar Press – “specialising in limited edition single short-story chapbooks by individual authors.” [Via David].
- The start of something? Hell if we know: Kindle getting elbowed from shelves at Target by the iPad.
- For those in London – a Williams S. Burroughs night this coming Wednesday.
- Chris Burden’s ‘Shoot‘:
Tags: adam nathaniel yauch, beastie boys, book art, book carvings, brian dettmer, chris burden, chris burden shoot, edward c. zacharewicz, erotic art, erotica, françois rabelais, gargantua and pantagruel, Ion Barladeanu, iPad, kindle, nightjar press, pablo picasso, picasso, rabelais, Robert Crumb, t.s. eliot, the white review, this week's reading, virginia woolf, william s. burroughs
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