The word ‘nigger’ appears 219 times in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, one of the most anti-racist books I know. Absurdly, a new version published by NewSouth Books (who don’t deserve the dignity of a link) will replace this pejorative racial epithet with the word ‘slave’. (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘book censoring’
Censoring Books
Monday, August 9th, 2010The practice of censoring literature has always interested me. It happens throughout the world, like, for example, in China.
I have been reading about New Century Press, a Hong Kong publisher who is publishing China’s Best Actor: Wen Jiabao, a book that had been banned in China. These people have made an admirable decision. They’re putting their reputation and maybe even their lives on the line. What their motivation is I do not know but I cannot but respect their decisions. It takes real guts to make a stand on something you believe in. (more…)