Posts Tagged ‘reading habits’

Exciting writing

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

exciting writing

Exciting writing…it’s the Holy Grail for so many people. Publishers have to say “no” far more often than they say “yes.” Is that because they just can’t say “yes” to everybody, they have to be selective? Or is it slim pickings? Is it just me, or does a lot of writing recently just seem…tired? Or in a lot of cases like the writer is trying so hard to please you that it’s distracting. It’s hard to get lost in a story when you’re distracted. But seriously, don’t you hate when you can smell the desperation off the pages? (more…) more»

Do you re-read?

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Do you re-read books? I do, but I wouldn’t call myself a serial re-reader; perhaps one book out of every twenty I open is a repeat read.

Though I wasn’t aware of this until recently, re-reading seems to baffle or even offend some people. (more…) more»