In light of the current political situation, the dog and me want to give y’all a peek at a project under deconstruction: (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘ws’
Monday, December 12th, 2011I often dream I am in jail. I can’t imagine why. Maybe if I did have enough imagination to imagine why, I wouldn’t dream about being in jail in the first place. But what I lack in imagination I always try to make up for in substance. (more…)
In Line?
Saturday, November 19th, 2011Nodding. Dozing. Syncope. It happens. Reclining in front of the TV. Seated on a long bus ride. Standing in line. Some of my best ideas occur in such moments of spontaneous blackout. Here, for example, is a winking-blinking parable from my unemployment compensation daze… (more…)
Critical Ass
Friday, November 11th, 2011People ask me, “How do you write?” or “What do you write about?” or “What makes a good story?” or “When was the last time you masturbated before and/or after writing?” or similar literary-colonmoving queries. (more…)