Addicted to The Vorrh on Kindle
Ladies and gentlemen and highly intelligent pets, we bring you The Vorrh on an electronic platter. You can now go down to the electronic high street, at the only store in town, and buy a simmering e-copy. Now we know smoking’s expensive – that’s why we’ve priced The Vorrh Kindle at roughly the same price as twenty glorious deathsticks. You see, this New Year, we’d like to help you get over your addiction by replacing it with a new one. We do all we can to help.
The Vorrh Kindle – UK customers
The Vorrh Kindle – US customers
WARNING: The Vorrh DOES NOT kill or make you impotent. You may, however, experience a serious kick from its imaginative splendour.
Tags: alan moore kindle, b catling kindle, kindle fantasy, new kindle fantasy, the vorrh ebook, the vorrh kindle