Honest Publishing and Bogdan Tiganov at Tooting Tales Festival
This coming Saturday (25th February 2012) Honest Publishing will be appearing at Tooting Tales literary festival. Here you’ll find us accompanying our usual modest book stall trying to sell our wares (please contribute generously…) as well as all manner of literary delights for the whole family to enjoy.
Tooting Tales: A Celebration of Stories & Voices is a brand new two-day literary festival (Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th, 1-5pm), the entry for which is at a very Honest price: free. This year you’ll find a Mr Bogdan Tiganov reading from his book, The Wooden Tongue Speaks. Yes you heard us, Tiganov will be dusting-off his Sunday best, and hopefully sobering-up, to be wheeled-out to read to the general public and maybe even take a few questions about Honest Publishing, should you wish to pick his noggin.
And if you’re going to pop down and say hello, why not take part in the originally named and free to enter Honest Publishing Writer’s Competition. We and the good guys from The Brick Box in Tooting Market will be encouraging all you good folk to sit down and write…anything. The only rule is, you must write it on the day and at our writer’s desk! Yes, they still exist (now). Why not pretend you’re Dickens, Orwell, or Bogdan Tiganov ( The Wooden Tongue Speaks priced £8.99)?
You can write anything: a poem, short story, your own obituary, whatever gets your juices flowing. And the winner will be published on our blog and receive the current range of Honest Publishing titles (that’s 6 books) plus a first-off-the-press copy of our latest book, Nothing Doing by Willie Smith, before anyone else. Now if that doesn’t sound exciting, I don’t know what we can say to make you excited…probably not very much…other than, the pizza’s arrived and Strictly’s on.
The place: The Brick Box, Tooting Market. The time: 25th February, 1-5pm. The vibes: good to fair depending on hangover. See you Saturday.

The Brick Box - Photo: Adrian Flower
Tags: Bogdan Tiganov, literary festival, The Brick Box, the wooden tongue speaks, Tooting Market, Tooting Tales