What the world thought of Danny Boyle’s Olympic ceremony, Jack Kerouac’s sexy correspondence, and Brian Catling at The Royal Albert Hall. (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Jack Kerouac’
This Week’s Reading, 10.3.12
Saturday, March 10th, 2012What left us out for the count this week:
Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’: From Scroll to iPhone App
Thursday, June 23rd, 2011What a transition Jack Kerouac‘s On The Road has made. It started off as a 120-foot scroll of taped together tracing paper, with no margins or paragraphs. It might as well have been written on the back of a cigarette packet. For me, it was the perfect treatment of Kerouac’s dazed-and-confused prose that left readers reaching for a bottle of whiskey, and an atlas. (more…)