I’m happy to say that these days the film-going public are aware of a number of high quality films coming out of Romania, no doubt helped by the numerous awards heaped upon them. These films seem to divide Romanians, though. Some of the Romanians I’ve spoken to seem to think that these new films are nothing special, that the themes they explore are ordinary, the stories commonplace. The same people are not happy with the way Romania is being portrayed. Why not show the beauty of the country? Why not show the villas and the riches and the cultural heritage? Why is everything shot in a dingy flat in Bucharest? (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Romanian New Wave’
The Romanian New Wave – An Introduction to Contemporary Romanian Film
Monday, February 18th, 2013Tags: 12:08 east of bucharest, 4 months 3 weeks and 2 days, aurora, aurora cristi puiu, beyond the hills, boogie, california dreamin', child's pose, cristi puiu, cristian mungiu, everybody in our family, if I want to whistle I whistle, loverboy, lucian pintillie, marian crisan, morgen, nemescu, police adjective, rocker, romanian films, romanian movies, Romanian New Wave, ryna, tales from the golden age, the death of mr lazarescu, the happiest girl in the world, the paper will be blue, the way I spent the end of the world, tuesday after christmas
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A Gay and Patriotic Romania
Saturday, January 22nd, 2011Is The Wooden Tongue Speaks bleak? What picture does it paint of Romania? Are the Romanian New Wave films grim? It angers me to the extreme when I read commentary by Romanians who find reality negative. (more…)
Tags: alexandru solomon, beggars, braila, bt, fanfare ciocarlia, gypsies, Ion Barladeanu, nationalism, nationalism in Romania, paul goma, Romania, Romanian cinema, Romanian New Wave, smecheri, the wooden tongue speaks, vadim tudor
Posted in Articles, Articles, Honest Publishing Blog | 3 Comments »