Honest Publishing Blog

Articles, news and latest writings from alternative, original voices.

A Kavanagh Gore

Monday, March 4th, 2013


Harold and Lilly married in an old small church, which had a graveyard that nobody visited.


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The Romanian New Wave – An Introduction to Contemporary Romanian Film

Monday, February 18th, 2013

I’m happy to say that these days the film-going public are aware of a number of high quality films coming out of Romania, no doubt helped by the numerous awards heaped upon them. These films seem to divide Romanians, though. Some of the Romanians I’ve spoken to seem to think that these new films are nothing special, that the themes they explore are ordinary, the stories commonplace. The same people are not happy with the way Romania is being portrayed. Why not show the beauty of the country? Why not show the villas and the riches and the cultural heritage? Why is everything shot in a dingy flat in Bucharest? (more…)

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Exciting writing

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

exciting writing

Exciting writing…it’s the Holy Grail for so many people. Publishers have to say “no” far more often than they say “yes.” Is that because they just can’t say “yes” to everybody, they have to be selective? Or is it slim pickings? Is it just me, or does a lot of writing recently just seem…tired? Or in a lot of cases like the writer is trying so hard to please you that it’s distracting. It’s hard to get lost in a story when you’re distracted. But seriously, don’t you hate when you can smell the desperation off the pages? (more…)

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Addicted to The Vorrh on Kindle

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen and highly intelligent pets, we bring you The Vorrh on an electronic platter. You can now go down to the electronic high street, at the only store in town, and buy a simmering e-copy. Now we know smoking’s expensive – that’s why we’ve priced The Vorrh Kindle at roughly the same price as twenty glorious deathsticks. You see, this New Year, we’d like to help you get over your addiction by replacing it with a new one. We do all we can to help.

The Vorrh Kindle – UK customers
The Vorrh Kindle – US customers

WARNING: The Vorrh DOES NOT kill or make you impotent. You may, however, experience a serious kick from its imaginative splendour.no vorrh_3

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Favourite authors’ top books

Monday, January 14th, 2013

Favourite books by favourite authors

Books. Favourite books. Top books. Any of them, some of them, all of them, none of them. I asked some of the Honest authors: Ferro, Kavanagh, Smith, Strang and Tiganov. (more…)

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Honest Publishing Is Open For Submissions

Sunday, January 13th, 2013

UPDATE: We are no longer open for submissions. Please keep an eye on our submissions page for further updates. Thanks.

We’re pleased to announce we’re open again for submissions. (more…)

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Alan Moore and B. Catling in The Vorrh Launch Video

Monday, January 7th, 2013

Legendary writers Alan Moore and B. Catling at The Vorrh launch. Complete with amazing music from the Oxford Drum Troupe. (more…)

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The Cultural Steam

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

For far too long people have stood on the sidelines, watching as culture turned to steam. It is entirely acceptable for great work to go unnoticed. It is acceptable because people who are supposed to be doing a job don’t care, are too lazy to even respond to an email. Let’s take one industry: publishing. Writers can’t be arsed to write well, publishers can’t be arsed to support new talent or spend money on talent, journalists can’t be arsed to support new presses by writing features or reviews and writers understand that only backed work sells, only when your best mate is head editor, or when you’re in the right club, so they can’t be arsed to write etc. People are too tired and depressed to do anything because they’ve learnt how the world works, or stumbles along drunk and hazy. The answer is: leave it, forget it, turn your back and embrace anything that pays the bills, that brings in the hits and guarantees mass market participation. (more…)

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We need to talk about bad books

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

We need to talk about Kevin. We do. Because Kevin kept me entertained. I held him and I read him constantly and quickly. Two days. On the sofa, off the sofa, stirring pasta, on my way to the toilet, in bed, out of bed. I did Kevin everywhere. I adored Kevin and his mother. His sister, Celia, freaked me out slightly; that whole thing with the glass eye. I don’t like eyes. So, I enjoyed Kevin immensely, and became a fan. Shortly after becoming a fan, I headed to a bookshop to look for other books by my new favourite author. I found ‘Double Fault’. (more…)

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Another Christmas. This time it’s with books.

Sunday, November 25th, 2012

And it’s Christmas. So you sit around a tree, and there are not enough chairs for everyone. Someone gets uncomfortable on a floor, or an occasional stool. Everyone is seated at a different height, not quite fitting in a photo. You stretch your arms as far as they will go…SMILE…nobody smiles. Except you. Granny twiddles her thumbs and stares at her skirt, mother runs to the kitchen, because, FUCK, something is burning. Dad mumbles about gadgetry-it was different when you could shake it like a Polaroid picture. Everyone wishes for a different type of potato. Mashed or creamed or roasted or all of them. Never enough. Brothers and sisters and neighbours and friends wait. They wait for the presents. You had to buy presents, even if you didn’t want to. Everyone wants a present.


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